The best email verifier for a very affordable price

Get rid of bad email addresses with no hidden costs. Suitable for all businesses and budgets.

How many emails do you need to check?

Earn 100 free email validation credits + free 15-day real-time API trial.


Pay as you go

  • Verify up to 5,000 emails
  • Credits do not expire
  • Best reports
  • Best verification algorithm
Try it right now


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Wanna talk with us? Schedule a meeting!

It would be a pleasure to talk to you, understand your needs and introduce you to our email validation solution.

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The service we offer is specifically designed to meet your needs.

Improve your reputation

By preventing bad emails in your lists, you improve your deliverability, reaching more customers.

Reduce costs - Increase ROI

Email verification optimizes the lead generation, reducing its costs, increasing your conversion and ROI.

Avoid blacklisting

Invalid email lists deliver less than 44% of messages or are completely blocked and blacklisted by email services.

Stay away from bad signups

Having an actionable database is crucial for email marketing. Remove typos, fake and invalid emails since the registration.


If you don't see an answer to your question, please have a look at our documentation or get in touch through our live chat.

1 credit checks 1 email address. So if your list has, for example, 1,200 emails, you will need to have at least 1,200 credits.

We offer various payment options to make it easier for our customers. We accept Credit Cards (check the accepted brands), Paypal, 'Boleto Bancário' and PIX (exclusively in Brazil).

This is not necessary. Your account and use of SafetyMails will last as long as you want. You can cancel the account whenever you want.

No. Your email verifier credits are available in your account to use whenever you want.

Through credit subscription, you automatically get credits in your account every month. Simply select the monthly plan that best suits your needs. The payment can be done monthly or annually.

It is not possible to request a refund for purchases.

Yes, all credit purchases and monthly recurrence payments for email verification issue an invoice.