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Email format
Technology / Software
Nielsen is a global audience measurement, data and analysis company. Measuring behavior across all channels and platforms to understand audiences intelligently.. Among its employees, the most common email format identified is [email protected]. Further information can be found on Linkedin;
Find out if an email address from The Nielsen Company is valid or not.
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Among all the possible email structures, the The Nielsen Company most common email format is [email protected].
Other possible structures have been identified and are described below:
With SafetyMails’ email checker you can see if an email is valid or not. This way, marketing and sales teams have access to a list built of real contacts, which can be transformed into business opportunities.
SaaS - Software as a serviceTechnology / Software
The most common email address for The Nielsen Company is [email protected], identified in 55.96% of cases.
To validate and verify The Nielsen Company, email addresses, the safest way is to use SafetyMails, a tool that cleans email lists quickly and easily, removing bounces (invalid emails) that are detrimental to reputation and deliverability.
The domain of The Nielsen Company is nielsen.com.
Before sending any emails, use the SafetyMails tool, which has the best email validation algorithm. This tool removes bounces and other harmful emails, improving email marketing results.
Some of the The Nielsen Company social networks are LinkedIn, Youtube, X (read Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok.
The company The Nielsen Company belongs to the sector Technology / Software and has the following description: Nielsen is a global audience measurement, data and analysis company. Measuring behavior across all channels and platforms to understand audiences intelligently..
SafetyMails is the email verification tool you can trust. They have helped companies in several countries verify billions of lists of email addresses and get rid of those that are invalid and damaging to their online reputation, improving their email marketing and sales results. They guide their clients to avoid bad lead generation and improve inbox positioning.
Turn your mailing list into a powerful lead generator!