It's very important to check if an email is valid before sending


Tairine Santos, administrative coordinator

Before getting to know SafetyMails, our company already knew the importance of hygiene in email databases because we always work with mass emails.

We already had an email validation platform hired, however, we were unhappy with it, because it was regularly offline. Many times, we needed to check if email is valid on our lists in an agile way, and we didn't have that response from the platform that was with us at that time.

This made us look for another email verification and validation tools on the market. We asked our email provider, who has been with us for a long time, for some referrals, and they recommended SafetyMails to us.

From the moment we started using the platform in our normal daily flow, we noticed several improvements: an increase in the delivery rate of emails, openings and clicks. All this and the cost-effectiveness, which brought us very high savings compared to the other platform we had, was the decisive factor that made us close the contract with SafetyMails and be together until today.

Another positive point is also the attentiveness of support, which always responds quickly when we need it.

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